convert leads into client

Convert Uninterested Leads Into Enthusiastic Clients

We’ve all been there, staring at a list of potential clients, wondering how to break through the noise and turn those leads into loyal customers. Well, fear not! I’ve got some killer strategies and message templates that have personally helped me convert seemingly uninterested leads into enthusiastic clients.

1. The Polite Persistence

Nobody likes a pushy salesperson, but being politely persistent can make all the difference. Here’s a message template that strikes the right balance:

“Hi [Lead’s Name],

I hope this message finds you well! I wanted to check in and see if you had a chance to review the proposal I sent over last week. I understand how busy things can get, but I’m genuinely excited about the potential collaboration and would love to hear your thoughts. If there’s anything you need from me or if you have any questions, feel free to reach out. Looking forward to the possibility of working together!

Best regards,

[Your Name]”

I once had a lead who seemed indifferent to my initial pitch. Instead of giving up, I sent a follow-up email using this template. Surprisingly, they responded, expressing appreciation for my persistence, and we ended up closing a deal!

2. The Value-Add Email

Showcasing additional value is a surefire way to pique your lead’s interest. Try this template:

“Hi [Lead’s Name],

I hope this email finds you in good spirits. While working on a similar project recently, I came across [relevant industry insight or trend] that I thought might interest you. I’ve attached a brief summary, and I’d love to get your thoughts on how it could potentially impact [specific aspect of their business]. Additionally, I’d still love to discuss how we can tailor our services to meet your unique needs. When you have a moment, let’s schedule a call to explore these opportunities further.*

Looking forward to your response,

[Your Name]”

By sending a value-add email, I managed to catch the attention of a lead who was initially disengaged. They appreciated the industry insight, and it opened the door for a conversation that eventually led to a successful partnership.

3. The Social Media Connection

In the age of social media, leveraging platforms like LinkedIn can be a game-changer. Here’s a template for connecting and following up:

“Hi [Lead’s Name],

I hope this message finds you well. I’ve been following your updates on LinkedIn and noticed that [mention something specific from their recent posts]. Your insights align perfectly with our approach at [Your Company], and I’d love to connect and explore potential synergies. If you’re open to it, let’s schedule a brief call to discuss how we can collaborate.

Best regards,

[Your Name]”

I once reached out to a lead through LinkedIn using this template. The personal touch of referencing their recent posts created an instant connection, and we soon transitioned from LinkedIn messages to a successful client meeting.

4. The Personal Touch:

Sometimes, a little personal touch can go a long way. Show your leads that you care about more than just closing a deal. Like this:

“Hey [Lead’s Name],

I was thinking about our recent conversation, and it reminded me of [something personal you discussed during your meeting or previous interactions]. I hope everything is going well on your end. By the way, I came across [relevant resource or article] that I thought you might find interesting based on our discussion. Let me know if you’d like more details, or if you’re free, I’d love to catch up over a quick call.

Warm regards,

[Your Name]”

After a coffee meeting where my lead mentioned their love for hiking, I sent a follow-up email incorporating details from our conversation. They appreciated the personal touch, and it played a significant role in building a strong client relationship.


Remember, the key is to be genuine, add value, and tailor your approach to each lead. Happy converting, and may your follow-ups be fruitful! 🚀

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